DRAFT Minutes of the 2011 Annual Business Meeting
Wisconsin Council of Teachers of English
2011 Annual Business Meeting
Saturday, October 1, 2011 11:30-12:00 pm
Milwaukee, WI
Present: Karen Rigoni, Erin Schwane, Jess Gallo, John Pruitt, Lynn Aprill, Emily Tymus Ihrke, Jacki Martindale, Linda Barrington, Kathy Nelson, Jacalyn Mabon, Al Krahn, Tom Scott, John Zbikowski, Kathy Bay
- Agenda – Motion to approve: John Zbikowski. Second: Tom Scott. Motion passed.
- Approval of October 22, 2010 Annual Meeting Minutes. Motion to approve minutes: Tom Scott. Second: Jess Gallo. Changes: Emily Tymus Ihrke name spelled incorrectly- 5e and 7i. Motion passed.
- Treasurers Report
- Next year will start February 1, 2012. Tom presented the budget.
- Publication/website: Since the re-design is this year’s budget, the yearly maintenance should be low.
- Clarification: Awards-is subsumed under convention. Tom Scott sees that travel could cover a board member to NCTE and representative for CEE. If we have a representative win an award at NCTE, how would WCTE support? The group decided to leave it to consider that if it happens.
- Motion to approve the budget: John Zbikowski. Second: John Pruitt. Motion passed.
- Pooley Foundation Annual Report-no report
- Officer Reports
- Director at Large (Past President) – Donna Pasternak: no report.
- Second Vice-President – Jessica Gallo: No report.
- First Vice-President: Kathy Nelson. Looking for help reaching out to CESA representatives to host events in each CESA this year. Kathy is hoping to provide monthly updates to WCTE membership via e-mail. March 10, 2012, WCTE will host a spring event at Arrowhead High School. Trying to get Rebecca Sipe as keynote. Kathy is advertising WCTE writing initiative. Hope to make some of the postings in the press for publicity for the organization and teachers in general.
- President: Lynn Aprill: WCTE has reserved a block of rooms at the Hampton in Chicago for NCTE. The social will be right across the street Saturday evening after the Scholastic dinner. Jackie Biddle at NCTE may be able to tell us which Wisconsin teachers are attending NCTE. We could also use K16 list. Elections: We have added several new district directors, but are still having a difficult time filling all of the District Director positions. WCTE and Michigan event on October 8, 2011 has low enrollment, but will proceed.
- Committee Reports
- WCEE – Barbara Dixon – No report.
- WCEL – Tom Scott complimented Linda Barrington’s work as WCEE’s representative. A letter written by Linda is being used as a model for other CEL representatives.
- Intellectual Freedom- John Pruitt: Educators’ Network for Social Justice is winner of the 2011 Burress Award. Intellectual Freedom Statement will be resent to membership and is posted on WCTE website. Motion to approve the statement: Kathy Nelson. Second: Tom Scott. Motion passed.
- Standing Committee on Diversity – Abbie Fishman – No report.
- Wisconsin Authors – Marti Matyska / Lynn Aprill: Working to implement a literacy map for Wisconsin. Bid is ~$4000. Marti and Lynn are hoping for a Pooley Award and seeking other funding.
- Awards: Jacalyn Mabon. No report.
- Professional Issues: Kimberly Powers. No report.
- Writing Contests: Erin Schwane. We are in need of someone to serve as 8th grade awards coordinator.
- Elections: Lynn Aprill: Lynn Frick will accept nomination for second vice-president. Also looking for several representatives to fill district director positions. At this point, President can appoint anyone interested regardless of location.
- District Directors
- Archives: Emily Tymus Ihrke: Mount Mary is unable to serve as WCTE archive. UWM has already said no. John Zbikowski will ask UW-Whitewater.
- Publications
i. Website: John Zbikowski WCTE has now contracted with Tall Guy Productions. Website will be a Word Press format so that it can be updated by multiple people. Contacted with Network Solutions to host website there. This is a shift from hosting at UW-Whitewater.
ii. Update: Linda Barrington – Next update will come out after NCTE. Idea: showcase writing from WCTE context. Update was recognized by NCTE and will receive award on Sunday morning at the Annual Convention.
iii. WEJ: Jess Gallo. Next issue of WEJ to be published this week. Jess Gallo encouraged everyone to have colleagues to sign up as readers of the Journal. Recommendation: Tom Scott will include a note when members renew to join WEJ as a reader.
- Old Business
- Vote to approve changes to by-laws and addendum document. Motion to approve: Linda Barrington. Second: Emily Tymus Ihrke. Motion passed.
- New Business
- For the Good of the Order
- Jackie Martindale –Motion: WCTE recognizes Lynn Aprill for her dedication to promoting WCTE in her year as President and her excellent leadership. Second: Marty Matyska. Motion passed. Tom Scott passed on a word of recognition for Lynn Aprill from Emily Amundson acknowledging her enthusiasm for WCTE as the state’s English teacher organization.
- John Pruitt: November 1, 2011 is Family Literacy Day.
- Erin Schwane: Milwaukee Reads book is To Kill a Mockingbird. The Rep is putting on the play in February.
- Adjournment
Motion to Adjourn: Tom Scott. Second: Kathy Nelson. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 12:47 p.m.