Minutes 2013
WCTE Annual Membership Meeting Minutes – DRAFT
Friday, October 11, 2013
Crown Plaza Hotel, Madison, WI
- Approval of Agenda. Motion: Marti Matyska; Second: Emily Tymus. Motion passed.
- Approval of October, 2012 Annual Membership Meeting Minutes. Motion: Marti; Second: John Z. Motion passed.
- Treasurer’s Report: Tom Scott
- Approval of the 2014-2015 Budget. Motion: John Pruit; Second: Jack Treese. Motion passed.
- Pooley Report: John Pruit was awarded the 2013 Pooley Research Award. Discussion of changes to the Pooley
- Officer’s Reports
- Director At Large: Kathy Nelson appointed at last night’s Executive Board Meeting. Recruit new leadership!
- President: Lynn Frick. The 2013 appears to have been a success. Thank you to all! The February meeting will be in February 2014 will be in Stevens Point.
- First Vice President: The 2014 Convention will be October 23 & 24, 2014 in Osh Kosh. Presenters have been identified for pre-conference workshops on October 23, 2014. A committee has been formed to plan the conference.
- Second Vice President: No report.
- Committee Reports
- No report.
- Intellectual Freedom. John Pruit. NCTE will be approving a resolution at November 2013 Annual Meeting.
- Standing Committee on Diversity
- District Directors: Lynn April. New district directors were identified today at the conference that will be appointed. The “Birds of a Feather” lunch was a success. Connections were formed between district directors and teachers
- New Business
- WCTE Position Statement Regarding the Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts was crafted by a work group of the Executive Board (Lynn Frick, Kathy Nelson, Emily Tymus-Irhke, Jackie Martindale, Tom Scott, Karen Rigoni). The draft was read for the group.
- Options:
- Do nothing.
- Distribute to legislature/governor.
- Use at any one of the upcoming 3 hearings on the CCSS going on in the State.
- Send as mail to legislature in conjunction to state hearings on CCSS as recommended by Tamara Maxwell.
- Motion to approve. John Z; Second: Kathy Nelson. Discussion
- Options:
- WCTE Position Statement Regarding the Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts was crafted by a work group of the Executive Board (Lynn Frick, Kathy Nelson, Emily Tymus-Irhke, Jackie Martindale, Tom Scott, Karen Rigoni). The draft was read for the group.
- Motion to call the question: Marti M. Second: Lynn April. Motion passed.
- Motion passed.
- Motion to commend Jessica Gallo for her dedicated service to WCTE and wish her the best in her current and future professional endeavors. John Second: John Pruit. Motion Passed.
- Reminder that we are going to formally transfer maintenance of the WCTE website from John Z to Denise Meyers effective this day, October 11, 2013.
- The Organization commends Lynn Frick for her tireless work to organize the 2013 convention and Marti Matyska for her continued service to the WCTE convention process.
- Motion: Kathy Nelson. Second: Loren Glasbrenner. Motion passed. The meeting adjourned at 4:08 p.m.