
Minutes 2013

WCTE Annual Membership Meeting Minutes – DRAFT

Friday, October 11, 2013

Crown Plaza Hotel, Madison, WI


  1. Approval of Agenda. Motion: Marti Matyska; Second: Emily Tymus. Motion passed.
  2. Approval of October, 2012 Annual Membership Meeting Minutes. Motion: Marti; Second: John Z. Motion passed.
  3. Treasurer’s Report: Tom Scott
    1. Approval of the 2014-2015 Budget. Motion: John Pruit; Second: Jack Treese. Motion passed.
  4. Pooley Report: John Pruit was awarded the 2013 Pooley Research Award. Discussion of changes to the Pooley
  5. Officer’s Reports
    1. Director At Large: Kathy Nelson appointed at last night’s Executive Board Meeting. Recruit new leadership!
    2. President: Lynn Frick. The 2013 appears to have been a success.   Thank you to all! The February meeting will be in February 2014 will be in Stevens Point.
    3. First Vice President: The 2014 Convention will be October 23 & 24, 2014 in Osh Kosh. Presenters have been identified for pre-conference workshops on October 23, 2014. A committee has been formed to plan the conference.
    4. Second Vice President: No report.
  6. Committee Reports
    1. No report.
    2. Intellectual Freedom. John Pruit. NCTE will be approving a resolution at November 2013 Annual Meeting.
    3. Standing Committee on Diversity
    4. District Directors: Lynn April. New district directors were identified today at the conference that will be appointed. The “Birds of a Feather” lunch was a success. Connections were formed between district directors and teachers
  7. New Business
    1. WCTE Position Statement Regarding the Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts was crafted by a work group of the Executive Board (Lynn Frick, Kathy Nelson, Emily Tymus-Irhke, Jackie Martindale, Tom Scott, Karen Rigoni). The draft was read for the group.
      1. Options:
        1. Do nothing.
        2. Distribute to legislature/governor.
        3. Use at any one of the upcoming 3 hearings on the CCSS going on in the State.
        4. Send as mail to legislature in conjunction to state hearings on CCSS as recommended by Tamara Maxwell.
      2. Motion to approve. John Z; Second: Kathy Nelson. Discussion
  • Motion to call the question: Marti M. Second: Lynn April. Motion passed.
  1. Motion passed.
  1. Motion to commend Jessica Gallo for her dedicated service to WCTE and wish her the best in her current and future professional endeavors. John Second: John Pruit. Motion Passed.
  2. Reminder that we are going to formally transfer maintenance of the WCTE website from John Z to Denise Meyers effective this day, October 11, 2013.
  3. The Organization commends Lynn Frick for her tireless work to organize the 2013 convention and Marti Matyska for her continued service to the WCTE convention process.
  1. Motion: Kathy Nelson. Second: Loren Glasbrenner. Motion passed. The meeting adjourned at 4:08 p.m.