About WCTE
The Wisconsin Council of Teachers of English (WCTE) is a nonprofit, voluntary educational organization whose purpose is to improve the quality of instruction in the English language arts and English at all school levels in the State of Wisconsin. Incorporated in 1963, WCTE has provided forums for the exchange of ideas among teachers throughout the state and has supported research, curriculum improvement, and professional development for all teachers of English language arts.
WCTE is affiliated with the National Council of Teachers of English.
The WCTE Mission:
WCTE strengthens the teaching of English Language Arts through mentoring, scholarship, advocacy, and collegiality.
WCTE membership provides
Access to content-specific best practices/information with a Wisconsin flavor
- Wisconsin English Journal, which highlights exceptional English education in Wisconsin
- WCTE Update, a newsletter with ideas you can use in the classroom tomorrow
- List of speakers for program planners
- Specialized publications such as Wisconsin Authors poster
Conventions and Meetings
- District programs and social activities
- Annual state convention
- Sectionals and programs at other organizations’ conventions (WSRA, WEAC, etc.)
Recognition of Professional Accomplishment
- Outstanding Student Teacher award
- Chisholm Award for outstanding service to the profession
- Nancy Hoefs Award for an outstanding beginning teacher
- Recognition of winners of the NCTE Achievement Award in Writing and the NCTE Promising Young Writers award
- Recognition of winners in the NCTE Program to Recognize Excellence in Student Literary Magazines
Connections to others through
- Liaison to DPI, NCTE, SLATE, and WCA
- Representation on special programs/organizations (Wisconsin Writers, DPI task force, etc.)
- Political Influence at the state level
Collaborative Opportunities
- Networking with knowledgeable colleagues
- Providing a community of interested English teachers
- Collaboration with a professional learning community
Opportunity to serve the profession
- District Director positions
- Intellectual Freedom Committee (to address censorship and related concerns)
- Wisconsin Conference of English Leadership
- Archives committee
- Wisconsin Conference of English Education (committee on the professional education of English teachers)
- Publications advisory committee
- Resolutions committee
Additional information about WCTE:
- Articles of Incorporation of WCTE
- WCTE Bylaws, Revised October 2011
- Addendum to Bylaws – WCTE Position Descriptions (Adopted October 2011)
- Officers and Directors
- Map of WCTE districts
- Council Business
BEGINNING TEACHERS: View a Presentation on WCTE Membership
Members who would like additional information about becoming officers or directors of WCTE should contact Marianne Potter, Past President, for more information.